MDOT Wants You (and Your Kids) to Help Name Michigan’s Snowplows

Most snowplow trucks in Michigan currently have boring names like 'Maintenance Vehicle.' But the Michigan Department of Transportation wants to change that, and it's looking to you and your family for a little help.
Just a few of Michigan's more than 250 plow trucks already have names, like Lil Snow Peep, Chill Bill, and Snow Can Do. But MDOT is taking suggestions for the remainder of its fleet. Currently, no maintenance vehicles in the Flint area appear to have personalized names.
Name suggestions can be submitted via MDOT's website. Only family-friendly names will be considered and names of famous characters or brand names do not qualify. Schools and community groups are encouraged to submit names for snowplows in their immediate area. Just be sure to include that information in your submission.
To take a look at trucks that have already been named and maintenance vehicles that are currently clearing roads in your area, visit MDOT's interactive website and click on the 'maintenance vehicle' layer. (It's the 5th icon in the row located in the upper left corner.)
MDOT's Nick Schirripa tells WXYZ that Michigan is following the lead of other states that have let residents name their plows.
"This idea really was driven by people who reached out to us and wanted to know how they could name our plows like those in other places," Schirripa said. "There was so much positive energy and excitement generated so quickly for this idea, it was contagious. We couldn't help but give the idea some legs and get some fantastic ideas for names."
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