20 of the Best Creatively Named Cannabis Shops in Michigan
Check out 20 of the most creatively named cannabis shops in Michigan.
Some times you just have to have fun with the name of a business. Thankfully, in the cannabis market, there are plenty of ways to do that. Cannabis shops are popping up all over the state and some of them have hilarious names.
Even though many of the cannabis shops in the state are franchises, there are still mom-and-pop shops that exist. Some of the names of these shops are damn clever as well and eye-catching for those driving by.
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Let me just say this, I rarely smoke week or eat gummies. However, some of these names make me want to go buy some products just to support these stores. If the name makes you chuckle and is really creative, they deserve at least one sale because of that.
I combed through the names of cannabis shops across Michigan and pulled 20 of them that either made me laugh or were clever and creative. Some are a simple joke and some were definitely arrived at while really high. Only a stoner can come up with some of these names.
Check out the list below and leave us a comment if we missed any. Also, if you have a unique idea for a name of a shop like this, share it below. I'm sure there are a lot of great names that we haven't heard yet.
Keep scrolling to see the names.