High Ranking MSU Official Arrested Amid Nassar Probe [VIDEO]
Larry Nassar's former boss, the dean of Michigan State University's College of Osteopathic Medicine, faces multiple charges of inappropriately touching a student and storing nude photos of female students on his work computer. William Strampel was arrested last night at his DeWitt home and spent the night in the Ingham County Jail.
According to Lansing TV station WILX, court records show the charges are misconduct in office, two counts of official neglect of duty, and one count 4th-degree criminal sexual conduct.
Earlier this month, Strampel reportedly told a group of MSU administrators and students that he did not believe the female students that had come forward to accuse Nassar of sexual abuse.
He also told police that he never followed up after he ordered Nassar to have a third party present when providing patients with treatment to "anything close to a sensitive area."
Additionally, Strampel has been named in approximately 100 civil suits that claim he knew abuse was going on at the hands of Nassar and did nothing to stop it.