Lessons from this class could save a life!

The Genesee County Sheriff's Paramedic Division, along with state Rep. Joe Graves, will conduct cardio-pulminary resuscitation (CPR) training at a free class from 9 a.m. until noon on Saturday, August 17th.

Graves said "CPR can be used in so many instances, and spending a few hours on a Saturday morning to learn how to save a life is well worth the time."

The free class will be held at the Fenton Township Office located at 12060 Mantawauka Drive in Fenton.

Residents interested in enrolling in the class must RSVP by Wednesday, August 14th to attend. You can call Graves office toll-free at (866) 989-5151 or email him at JoeGraves@house.mi.gov to reserve a spot for the training.

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