Flint Woman Wins Free Gas For a Year
Let's all take a quick moment to be jealous. Go ahead, I'll wait.
(Sung) Doo, doo, doo, doo, doo...
Okay, now that we have gotten that out of our systems, we can congratulate Sherry Vanderhagen of Flint who won free gas for a year.
(I'm still green with envy, by the way.)
Vanderhagen, along with Sarah Hinga who is a resident of Portage, each won a $2,500 gift card from Speedway, which should cover their gas expenses for about a year.
Vanderhagen and Hinga were randomly selected from about 13 million entries, according to WXYZ.
Players who bought instant game tickets at Speedway convenience stores and scanned their registered Speedy Rewards® card were entered in the giveaway to win free fuel for a year. Players earned one entry for each dollar spent on Michigan Lottery instant games. There was no limit on the number of entries a player could earn.
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