Experts Confirm Disease That Transmits From Dogs to Humans
We're guessing that this will not stop dog owners from kissing their dogs on the mouth!
Multiple cases of Canine Crucellosis -- a disease that can be transmitted from infected dogs to humans and other animals -- have been confirmed in Iowa.
State Veterinarian Dr. Jeff Kaisand confirmed in a statement that the disease originated at a small commercial breeding facility in Marion County, Iowa. The animals and facilities have been quarantined while clinical testing is performed. The state's veterinary office is attempting to contact anyone who has acquired an animal from the facility.
Reports say the risk of human infection is rare, causing flu-like symptoms like fever, back pain, and joint pain.
Although the risk to humans is considered low, dog breeders, veterinary staff and anyone who comes in contact with blood, tissues, and fluids during the birthing process may be at higher risk and should consult their primary care physician, according to the release.