Well, I guess you could say that flying a 747 across country to get a sandwich is a bit extreme, unless it's considered a test drive. Read more about Boeing's new 747 test flight after the jump.The flight crew testing a next-generation Boeing jumbo jet made a long trip for a taste of Pittsburgh's most famous sandwich. Boeing's 747-8 Intercontinental is among the next-generation models of the original 747 jumbo jet, the four-engine widebody that first took flight in 1969.

The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review reports flight test director Paul Shank handed out Pittsburgh's famous Primanti Brothers menus during a briefing on Wednesday. The crew boarded and set course for the city, Pittsburgh is not the only stop on the test flight. The crew is also going to fly to Michigan's Upper Peninsula for some of our delicious pasties, then their off to Maine for some lobster rolls as they continue to test the aircraft. Nice work if you can get it.


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