Cedar Point is Going Cashless Within the Park Starting This Year
Joining a growing number of businesses in the Nation, Cedar Point is going cashless.
For those of you that are planning a trip to Cedar Point this year, be prepared for the fact that the park has moved to all cashless payments throughout the property. Now park-goers will have to swipe or tap their credit or debit cards to purchase things during their visits. Cedar Point will also be accepting Apple Pay or Google Pay in the park as well.

Don't worry if you show up with a pocket full of cash, because Cedar Point has also installed Cash-to-Card Kiosks in the park so you can convert our cash into a prepaid debit card, which can also be used anywhere Visa is accepted, for free. Visitors can load anywhere from $5 up to $500 onto these prepaid debit cards.
Cedar Point is making the move to a cashless system in order to conduct contactless transactions which are faster, safer, and always secure.
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Cedar Point is set to open to the public for the 2022 season on Saturday, May 7th. Thrill-seekers can pick up summer passes now for just $99. These summer passes get you unlimited summer visits and free parking.
If you are planning out your trips this summer, keep in mind that Frontier Festival will begin on Thursday, May 26th and run through Sunday, June 19th, 2022. The annual CoasterMania is also set to take place on Friday, June 3rd.
Source: Cedar Point
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