Mithun Divakaran

Christian Bale Visits Victims of Aurora Shootings
‘The Dark Knight Rises‘ star Christian Bale showed he has the values instilled in Bruce Wayne when he made a personal visit to Aurora, CO, yesterday to meet with the victims of last week’s horrific movie theater shooting.

Rapping Senior Adult Choir Gets ‘Hot in Here,’ Goes Viral
They may look like your grandparents but this group of fine elderly folk have gone viral with their church choir. They are the Senior Adult Choir from the First Baptist Church in Augusta, Georgia, and instead of praising the lord, these lovable senior citizens thought it would be fun to do some hip-hop cover songs for a change.

Returning Soldier Surprises Son Dressed as Captain America From ‘The Avengers’
Kids love and look up to Captain America from ‘The Avengers,’ so it was a shock for this one boy to see his favorite superhero show up on his doorstep. Though the bigger shock came when he realized that this real-life strong man was actually his army dad returning from Afghanistan.

Is the Celebrity Tweet Becoming the New ‘Autograph’?
Social media has the changed the world in so many ways, there’s hardly anybody that hasn’t experienced its impact, no matter how big or small. Twitter in particular has opened doors to celebrities that us commoners never imagined. Why wait for a star outside a restaurant in Beverly Hills to get a scribbled autograph when you could just get a shout-out from them on Twitter? And it has worked for ma