Mike Adams
Christmas Crooks Are on the Loose This Holiday Season — Dollars and Sense
Employee theft and shoplifting will cost retailers nearly $9 billion this holiday season, and unfortunately it's the upstanding consumer who pays for that loss in the end.
The Best (and Worst) Days Left to Shop This Holiday Season
For some people, holiday shopping is about as dreadful an activity as there exists. It can be a grueling affair, full of uninspiring displays of human behavior that can suck the joy right out of a person’s holiday spirit. But not if you know which days to shop!
Is Sneezing Into Your Elbow the Healthy Thing to Do?
Most of us have been taught to cover our mouths when we cough or sneeze, but for the last five years, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has been trying to persuade kids to cover their convulsive expulsions with their elbows, instead of using their hands.
Unsurprising New Research Finds Bar and Restaurant Employees at High Risk for Alcoholism
Bartenders can make a lot in tips, one of the upsides to working in the bar or restaurant industry. However, a new study suggests there is a major pitfall to employment in a business where booze is served: it is a common breeding ground for alcoholism.
Australian Mother of 12 Gives Birth to Quintuplets
One busy mom is about to get a lot busier, as she has just given birth to quintuplets, making her brood of 16 children one of the largest families in the Australian state of Victoria.
Earlier today, the 48-year-old mother of 12, who has apparently mistaken her body for a clown car, welcomed five new additions to her family to the tune of two boys and three girls (one of which, sadly, died just bef
Will Drought Cause Popcorn Prices to Jump in Movie Theaters? — Dollars and Sense
The drought crippling the Midwest has many farmers standing with their hands in the air wondering what to do about the countless rows of crops that have been left for dead by the summer’s scorching triple-digit heat.
Which Jobs Are Disappearing Quickest?
It has been predicted that by 2020, the United States will experience a nearly 14.5 percent labor increase, making room for an additional 20 million new jobs as the result of this country’s growing population and competitive marketplace.
Taco Bell Announces Plans to Sell Mountain Dew A.M. on Their Breakfast Menu — Dollars and Sense
Some of you may not believe this, but Mountain Dew was not intended to be consumed for breakfast – that is, until now.
Eww! Chances Are Your Cell Phone Has More Germs Than Your Toilet [POLL]
Chances are that no matter how charming of a ringtone you heard coming from a toilet seat, you wouldn’t stick your face against it to find out who was calling. The reason? It’s not supernatural – toilets are disgusting.
Where Are the Most Expensive Cities in America? — Dollars and Sense
We all want to stretch a dollar, but there’s one place in America that it’s getting harder and harder to do so.
New Research Suggests Working Parents Are Not Focused On Raising Healthy Kids
Many moms today are cursed with having to put in more hours at the office to feed the kids, but a new study suggests that those moms working full-time time jobs to put food on the table are actually not paying close enough attention to their children’s dietary and fitness requirements.
The State Department Wants You to Stop Using Offensive Phrases You Don’t Even Know Are Offensive
It appears as if the State Department wants to wash out the mouths of the American people with a proverbial bar of soup for being so insensitive to the offensive nature of popular phrases like “hold down the fort” and “rule of thumb.”