
‘Cops for the Community’ 5k Raises Money for Police Charity
‘Cops for the Community’ 5k Raises Money for Police Charity
‘Cops for the Community’ 5k Raises Money for Police Charity
The last couple of weeks have been brutal for local runners.  Heat and humidity have made it really difficult to get in a good run.  That's about to change, as the forecast is calling for good weather starting Saturday, which happens to be the day of the "Cops for the Community 5k run/walk in Lapeer.
Snowflake 5k/10k Races This Saturday in Flushing
Snowflake 5k/10k Races This Saturday in Flushing
Snowflake 5k/10k Races This Saturday in Flushing
Despite the calendar telling us that it's January, you might be able to get away with wearing shorts to run an outdoor race in Flushing, Michigan. I did on December 31st in Flint, and had plenty of company showing some leg in the winter months of Michigan. Both the 5k and 10k start and finish at Flushing Central Elementary School on Coutant Street. Races start at 10 am and follow a flat and fast
Run Thru Hell on Halloween Eve
Run Thru Hell on Halloween Eve
Run Thru Hell on Halloween Eve
If you've already been raiding the candy you're supposed to be giving out to Trick-or-treaters, here's a fun way to burn off some extra calories. Run Thru Hell on Halloween Eve is in Hell, Michigan on Sunday, October 30th at 9:30 am. 8k (4.9 miles) and 5k (3.1 miles) distances will be offered. There will also be a costume contest, runners are encouraged to have some fun and dress up to run. Ra
Dash For A Difference 5k This Saturday To Benefit Genesys Hospice
Dash For A Difference 5k This Saturday To Benefit Genesys Hospice
Dash For A Difference 5k This Saturday To Benefit Genesys Hospice
The Dash for a Difference 5k run/walk and Kids fitness run is this Saturday at the Genesys Athletic Club, and takes participants through the 478 acres that makes up Health Park. A majority of the course is on the nature trail that winds through the Health Park grounds, so participants can enjoy a nice run amongst the flora and fauna of the area.
Atwood Stadium 5k/10k Races Next Weekend
Atwood Stadium 5k/10k Races Next Weekend
Atwood Stadium 5k/10k Races Next Weekend
This weekend and next, Flint-area runners and walkers get an opportunity to test themselves on some hills.  With the Crim a little over a month away, there's still some time to improve if your training isn't wherre you hoped it would be.  The Bastille Day 5k and 15k is tomorrow in Fenton, your chance to test yourself against the infamous Denton Hill which comes at around Mile 8 of the 15k.  Read M
Crim Training Program Deadline Extended
Crim Training Program Deadline Extended
Crim Training Program Deadline Extended
If you thought you missed your chance to be a part of one of the best and most respected fitness training programs anywhere, you're in luck!  The Crim Training Program has extended their signup deadline to Friday, April 22nd.