
10 Things We Aren’t Thankful for This Year
10 Things We Aren’t Thankful for This Year
10 Things We Aren’t Thankful for This Year
Thanksgiving is just a few days away. Where has the time gone? As you prepare your menu, it's time to reflect on what you're thankful for. But as always, there are a few things that we could really have done without this year. Hurricanes, superstorms and other freakish weather systems, for example, don't deserve our gratitude. Here are 10 things we aren't thankful for:
10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About the American Pilgrims
10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About the American Pilgrims
10 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About the American Pilgrims
This week, families will come together from all across the nation for Thanksgiving. They will stuff themselves full of turkey, side dishes and desserts. Some will laugh and joke with relatives, while others renew old feuds and bicker with their cousins and siblings. No matter how your particular Thanksgiving winds up, you can thank the American Pilgrims for starting this long-standing custom. Read
The Funniest Memes for Thanksgiving 2012
The Funniest Memes for Thanksgiving 2012
The Funniest Memes for Thanksgiving 2012
It's that time again. Thanksgiving -- you eat until you're sick, post endless "artsy" photos of your sweet potato gratin on Facebook and drink as much as you can so you can deal with your Uncle Rick. Before descending into pure turkey madness, purvey these memes, and perhaps the memory of them will get you through the annual lecture on what "those politicians up on Capitol Hill"
10 Thanksgiving Songs You Probably Haven’t Heard
10 Thanksgiving Songs You Probably Haven’t Heard
10 Thanksgiving Songs You Probably Haven’t Heard
With Thanksgiving just around the corner, it's time to get into full-on turkey mode. After all, it's never too early to loosen up the ol' belt buckle to ready ourselves for Thursday's feasting. While we're getting totally hyped about eating tons of stuffing and gravy and pumpkin pie, we still feel like the holiday prep could use a little extra oomph, and that's where Turkey Day music comes in. Rea
Tips On How To Thaw Your Turkey Safely From The USDA
Tips On How To Thaw Your Turkey Safely From The USDA
Tips On How To Thaw Your Turkey Safely From The USDA
If you're like me, you have a 24 lb turkey in the freezer with no idea of how to thaw it safely, but in time to cook for your magnificent presentation on Thanksgiving. Hit read more, and we will learn together.

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