Workday 108 Trivia for the Week of July 10, 2023
According to a survey of adults, 16% say they've gotten into a car accident because of this. What is it?
Sneezing. Congratulations to today's winner, Tom Haglund from Davison.
Approximately 75% of us do this, but we feel embarrassed if we get caught. What is it?
Sing in the car. Congratulations to today's winner, Theresa from Otisville.
According to a survey, 70% of us say we always go the cheap route when buying these. What is it?
Sunglasses. Congratulations to today's winner, Jim Marcy from Grand Blanc.
According to a survey of adults, 23% of us say we never do this in the morning. What is it?
Hit the snooze button. Congratulations to today's winner, Jordan Allis from Flint.
According to a survey of single people, 20% say they are looking for a mate who is passionate about this. What is it?
Food. Congratulations to today's winner, Joy Schafer from Swartz Creek.