This Michigan Landmark Can Thank the Internet for Its Unfortunate Name
A new landmark in Macomb County has been given an unfortunate name, thanks to a Facebook page: Its unofficial title is The Golden Butthole.
It's officially called the M-59 Golden Corridor Icon. But I had to dig in order to find that out.
The 35-foot structure was dubbed with its crude nickname thanks to this page which has nearly 3,000 likes. You can like the page if you want, but keep in mind that it may be a little awkward when your friends see [Your name] liked The Golden Butthole of Macomb County. Just sayin'.
The ring, which is located on Hall Road just east of Schoenherr Road in Sterling Heights, lights up at night. That may or may not be unfortunate.
The primary purpose of the structure -- which cost approximately $300,000 -- is "to ensure the corridor remains a destination and to increase the number of visitors, shoppers and overall business development of the corridor," according to the Sterling\ Heights' Twitter page.
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