Former ‘The Bachelor’ Contestant Courtney Robertson Spills Show’s Secrets in New Book
She's back!
Courtney Robertson was often regarded as "the villain" of Season 16 of 'The Bachelor,' but Robertson was the one who ended up with the final rose at the show's finale. And while her engagement with Ben Flajnik didn't last long, she is back in the news with a new book that promises to unveil some of the secrets she's been sitting on since the show's 2012 season.
Her book, titled 'I Didn't Come Here to Make Friends: Confessions of a Reality Show Villain,' will be out June 24th and promises to answer burning questions fans may have of what really went on behind the scenes during the show.
For starters, she reveals that during the skinny dipping date with Flajnik, she and Flajnik did have sex in front of the camera crew.
In an interview with the NY Post, Robertson says, “To answer your question, yes. Ben and I did have sex in the ocean. On-camera,” Robertson reveals. “It was immediate but it was only for about 20 seconds and, um, it was just the tip.”
She also dishes that at the Fantasy Suite, where cameras aren't allowed, the producers left the couple rose petals and candles - but no condoms.
“We did every position under the sun,” she confesses.
In addition to her intimate moments with Flajnik, Robertson also talks about the endless supply of booze going around, and even claims that fellow contestant Jenna Burke passed out drunk after a rose ceremony, and another contestant, Jaclyn Swartz, went to the gym with a workout bottle full of vodka.
She also recognizes her villainess role on the show's season but defends herself saying that the footage shown of her was 1% of everything that went down.
'The Bachelor' fans, are you looking forward to hearing Robertson's side of the story?