Child Protective Services removed seven month old Bree Green from her home, where she was lovingly cared for by both parents, a month ago.

See if you agree with the reason why.

Steve Green, Bree's father has epilepsy. He has a medical marijuana registry identification card and uses marijuana to control his seizures. His wife, Maria has been appointed by the state as his caregiver.

Seven month old Bree was removed from the family home a month ago by CPS because of their use of medical marijuana. The state agency alleges that the parents have created a dangerous environment for their baby.

More on this story in the video below.

The Green's custody case is expected to go to trial later this month and Randy and Maria Green have also started a website,

Has the parent's use of medical marijuana created an unsafe environment for their baby daughter, or has Child Protective Services overreacted to this situation?

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