Starkist Tuna May Owe You $25 — Seriously!
Starkist Tuna has been under-filling their cans, and as a result they may owe you $25. The company just settled a class-action lawsuit, and if you've purchased a can of Starkist in the last five years, you're eligible for a $25 or $50 tuna voucher.
It's OK if you don't have the grocer store receipts to prove your purchases, you just have to say you did. But be aware that if you lie, you could face perjury charges. Click here to make your claim.
To be part of the lawsuit and claim you voucher, you must have purchased one fof the following products between February 19, 2009 and October 31, 2014.
- One or more 5 oz. can of Chunk Light Tuna in Water,
- One or more 5 oz. can of Chunk Light Tuna in Oil,
- One or more 5 oz. can of Solid White Tuna in Water, or
- One or more 5 oz. can of Solid White Tuna in Oil (collectively, the "StarKist Products")