Starbucks Straw-less Lid Developed By Michigan State Grad
That's a pretty cool claim-to-fame for the mitten state!
Emily Alexander is a 2011 graduate of Michigan State University - originally from Okemos, she says that she was always interested in building stuff; she loved Legos as a kid and was part of the Okemos Robotics Team in high school.
When she entered MSU, she wasn't entirely sure what she wanted to major in. An advisor recommended the packaging program (didn't know that was a thing, did you? Neither did we), and she jumped all over it.
She had to keep the project quiet, obviously. In fact, her parents didn't even know until she sent them a press release.
For all of those who are concerned about the lack of straws for people with disabilities, Starbucks will be offering more sustainable straws upon request.
Congrats, Emily! Go Green!
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