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Are you looking for a place to drop off paint you don't need anymore? You can join the Fox66 Green Team, Genesee Regional Chamber and others, as they collect interior and exterior latex paint. It's part of a project to help distribute free recycled paint throughout the county.

A recent press release says you can drop off paint on June 4 from 10am to 3pm at Flint Distributing Company and if that day doesn't work for you, you can drop stuff off June 6-9 from 7:30am to 4pm at CBC Recycling.

Then on June 18 from 9am to 3pm, the RePaint Genesee Distribution event will take place and anyone can come by to pick up free paint if they need it. Fox 66 Green Team Coordinator Jamie Waisanen says they wanted to open the project up to the entire community:

"This huge recycling project began last year when the paint was used to beautify one neighborhood. This year we are expanding the beautification to the entire Genesee County community. The main goal is to use the paint before it goes bad being stored in people's garages or basements."

Before you throw away that extra paint you no longer need, drop it off at one of the locations so someone who needs it can use it. Be part of the RePaint Genesee project and help out today!

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