Michigan State University Offering Online ‘Adulting’ Classes
Add this to the list of "things we wish we'd had when we were in high school."
Michigan State University is offering online classes via Zoom for high school juniors and seniors to learn the basics of "adulting."
The Adulting 101 class is open to 500 students and will tackle one task every week for four weeks. Topics include basic cooking, finance and household tasks. Michigan State University extension director Michelle Neff says that the classes will not go too far in-depth, but rather just give some tips and tricks.
The courses will be as follows:
- Budget and credit - April 9
- Rent Smart - April 16
- Cooking - April 23
- Household Tasks - April 30
All classes will be at 2 PM.
Interested? You can sign up your high schooler by contacting Michelle Neff at 989-429-2359 or hydemich@msu.edu.