Where Was the First McDonald’s in Michigan?
McDonald’s restaurants have been in Michigan since 1957.
And where do you think the very first Michigan McDonald’s was? In Lansing.
It popped up at 2120 North Larch Street in Lansing thanks to Ed MacLuckie. Ed was the son-in-law of a golfing buddy of McDonald’s franchiser Ray Kroc. He heard from pop-in-law about Kroc’s first McDonald’s in Des Plaines, Illinois and thought this would be a good franchise venture.
A few conversations, phone calls, and meetings later, Ed got his experience by managing the Illinois location and soon he was set to open his own McDonald’s in Lansing.
The Larch Street location was the first of five planned McDonald’s in the Lansing/East Lansing market. Ed managed all five Lansing locations with his father-in-law, Max Hagen.
The second Lansing-area location was on East Grand River, E. Lansing, near the MSU campus.
McDonald's was created in 1940 in California. Kroc came on board in the early 1950s and was instrumental in bringing McDonald's to the midwest.
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