Does a ‘Stop Here on Red’ Sign Technically Mean We Can’t Turn Right on Red?
Have you ever been stuck behind a car with their right turn signal on at a red light and that driver just sits there? Of course, you have, we all have. So annoying.
Even worse, there isn't a sign that says you can't turn right on red. But what about that sign that says 'stop here on red,' does that mean you have to stop and stay put until the light turns green? If so why not just have a 'no right turn on red' sign?
First of all, yes you CAN turn right on red AFTER you've stopped on red at a traffic signal that has that 'stop here on red' sign.
Several television websites popped up from around the country including a television station in Florida when I googled the question and those signs mean stop, check the traffic, and if it's clear then go ahead and turn right on red.
Okay great, now we know, but what's with the confusing sign since all drivers are required to stop first before turning right on red anyway?
When this sign is posted, it usually is a little further back than where you think you would stop. Usually, this is because of a possible visual obstruction or because of a specific crosswalk in that area. After completing the stop at the designated spot, you would be allowed to make a right on red -- if the situation was safe to do so.
Sadly there will still be people who just don't turn and I guess we have to expect that, but at least we know we won't be that person holding up traffic.
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