City of Cincinnati Government Fooled By Ed Sheeran Hoax
This is the kind of story that could only happen in Ohio...and it is hilarious.
The City of Cincinnati posted a strange "wanted" type of facebook post on Wednesday saying their fugitive task force was looking for a man that convinced local churches that he was Ed Sheeran and would perform for $35 and a sandwich.
Here's the original post from the satire facebook page Portsmouth Ohio Official.
News outlets all over the world picked up on this story. Why wouldn't they? It's a hilarious story. And it must be true because it was shared on the Cincinnati government website. Then we see this from the 10 Daily,
"We are a satire page. And no matter how many times we clearly state that we are a satire page, people still think things are real," Jasper, who runs the Portsmouth Ohio Official page on Facebook, told 10 daily.
So, if I'm understanding this correctly. Not only did news outlets all over the world pick up this satire story and run it as actual news. But the local police did too?
Hoax or not. Looking at this guy's mugshot and imagining him playing "Shape of You" during a Church service for $35 and a sandwich kind of makes my day.

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