Ray "el rey de la noche!"....merely a Jersey Guy with a microphone, a transmitter, and an internet connection. I'm proud to host New Jersey's only all live/all local/all night show...every weeknight from 11 to 3...spreading the gospel of the Garden State to every corner of the globe via RadioPup on your smartphone...on your computer at nj1015.com...at home and in your car from the big and imposing frequency modulated stick at 101.5! I've been a resident of Manalapan since 1987, and have watched the town grow. And I don't plan to move out of here any time soon...unless the taxes become unbearable, in which case maybe I'll go back to my grandmother's little village in Nola, Italy and speak in non-incoherent Neapolitan much to the amusement of the locals.