$4 A Gallon Is Here. How Will You Deal With It?
We've been hearing the predictions for quite some time. The rumor is now reality for drivers in the Flint area. Gasoline prices are now at $4 a gallon at a majority of local stations.
A lot of people are already driving less. It seems as though the $4 mark is the tipping point for most people to make actual changes in fuel consumption. Some will switch to more efficient vehicles. Now that the weather is improving, many will hop on motorcycles or bicycles for solo trips that don't require them to carry much cargo. Others will carpool or take public transportation. Many will walk more or consolidate trips to get groceries and other necessities. These changes made a difference in demand the last time gas hit $4 a gallon. Eventually, the price went down. The problem is that most people went back to doing things (driving) the way they always had before. So here we go again...
Watch out for me on my bicycle!