
Crowd Cheers 8 Year-Old Cancer Patient Touchdown
Crowd Cheers 8 Year-Old Cancer Patient Touchdown
Crowd Cheers 8 Year-Old Cancer Patient Touchdown
East Carolina University took their sports program to new heights with this one!  Eight year-old Noah Roberts was the games star of the final play of the football game, and was carried off the field on his teammates shoulders while the crowd chanted his name.
Watch a Dad’s Adorable Reaction to Scoring Game Tickets
Watch a Dad’s Adorable Reaction to Scoring Game Tickets
Watch a Dad’s Adorable Reaction to Scoring Game Tickets
No, this isn't an episode of 'Here Comes Honey Boo Boo' that was left on the cutting room floor. It's actually a father receiving the best gift of his life -- tickets to a championship football game. With the holiday season winding down its nice to remember the little things in life: family, sports, and the fact that fedoras only look appealing on certain people.

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