
Grand Rapids Lady Flips Out Over $200 Towing Bill [VIDEO]
Grand Rapids Lady Flips Out Over $200 Towing Bill [VIDEO]
Grand Rapids Lady Flips Out Over $200 Towing Bill [VIDEO]
Tiffany Nealous of Grand Rapids went to pay here towing bill after a huge car pile-up on US-131 in Mecosta County. Well here bill was $225, after what she did in the video she is being charged with a bunch of felonies. Would you throw this big of a fit over $225?
How In The World?
How In The World?
How In The World?
Car crashes are an everyday event, but these crashes make you scratch your head and wonder how in the world they happened. Check out the following clips.
Car Ends Up Parked Vertically [VIDEO]
Car Ends Up Parked Vertically [VIDEO]
Car Ends Up Parked Vertically [VIDEO]
The blizzard in New Hampshire has gotten so bad that at least one car actually skidded off the highway, ending up stuck vertically in the air. Luckily nobody was injured when this sedan driving on 1-93 buried its nose in the snow and propelled its tail toward the sky. Keep reading to see video of this vertical car crash.