CDC Adds 6 New Possible Coronavirus SymptomsCDC Adds 6 New Possible Coronavirus SymptomsAny of these symptoms may appear anywhere from 2-14 days after exposure to the virus.Lisa MarieLisa Marie
Health Official Called Out For Licking Finger at Virus BriefingHealth Official Called Out For Licking Finger at Virus BriefingAs the saying goes,'If you talk the talk, you better walk the walk'. Apparently one health official didn't get the memo on that one, and the world is calling her out.Lisa MarieLisa Marie
First Case in United States Reported of Deadly Wuhan VirusFirst Case in United States Reported of Deadly Wuhan VirusThe deadly virus that has China on high alert has now made it's way to the United States. Lisa MarieLisa Marie
Schools Asking Parents to Wash Kids’ Backpacks Before TomorrowSchools Asking Parents to Wash Kids’ Backpacks Before TomorrowNot a bad idea, considering that Michigan is the second sickest state in the country.PatPat
Mosquitoes in Michigan Test Positive for West Nile VirusMosquitoes in Michigan Test Positive for West Nile VirusIt's important to note that no HUMANS have contracted it...yet. PatPat