Buckle up everyone.
The number of drivers that you encounter on the roadways who engage in potentially dangerous behaviors is very high. According to Harris Poll regarding a new survey, there are more people who text, eat, and watch video's than we ever imagined.
The Pakistan Telecommunications Authority has recently banned 1,700 “obscene” words and phrases from texts. The move is reportedly part of an effort to curb offensive spam.
Texters in Pakistan had better start watching their language. The telecommunications authority ordered cellphone companies to start blocking text messages considered what it calls obscenities. Here's a partial list of the words considered obscene:
If you need any more reasons not to text and drive here you go. Last week, blogger Sean Symons captured horrifying footage of a teen driver who crashed into the side of the road, then hit two oncoming cars, all while he was allegedly texting and driving.
According to his YouTube page, Symons called the police when he spotted the texting teen, then pulled out his camera to catch the teen in the a
41 year-old Jerry Joseph is charged with causing the death of a Lapeer-area woman, because he was texting while driving. This is the first time charges of this nature have been filed in Michigan.
Things are getting interesting for Cathy Cruz Marrero, the woman who fell into a fountain as a result from texting and not paying attention. She's now trying to sue the mall, but maybe she should reconsider.