It's a combo of several microwaves and a few people humming and singing, and it actually sounds really good.
Source: <a href="">Twitter</a>
Gretchen McCulloch on Twitter started writing a parody of 'Jolene' on Twitter, and someone actually went and sang it - and it's pretty good.
Source: Boing Boing
The principal at a Coney Island, NY elementary school is under fire from both parents and some members of the community after she banned the kids from singing Lee Greenwood’s patriotic anthem ‘God Bless the USA’ at a kindergarten graduation.
But you won’t believe what she says they can sing.
The voice of Darth Vader, James Earl Jones sings Justin Bieber's 'Baby.' Well actually he's not singing it, more like reading, but to hear that deep voice with music behind it is pretty funny!
The topics that come up after every Superbowl performance always hit the internet with fury. This video shows that no one really knows the true lyrics to the National Anthem.