Scammers will call and try to scare and intimidate you into giving up your credit card info. Consumer's Energy says they don't do that to their customers.
From people impersonating salespeople, Consumers Energy employees and Boys & Girls Club volunteers to phone calls from the IRS and Facebook stalking, it's been a strange year for residents of Genesee County and Mid-Michigan.
This baseball wouldn't make it past Les from Hardcore Pawn. A guy in Connecticut wants you to believe that you can buy this autographed Babe Ruth baseball for $100, or best offer. Even though the baseball looks brand new, the signature looks nothing like the Bambino, and the Sharpie wasn't invented until after he died...
This is about the scam that has been going around the country for about a week now. Looks like it has arrived in Flint. As a family you should talk to each other about this so that none of you become a victim.
It's a promise the federal government will pay your utility bill, but in the end, people end up losing money and giving out personal information...
Here's another stupid person in the news today. A girl in Texas claimed she had leukemia and raised $17,000, but after a further investigation it was learned it was all a scam. Angie Gomez told friends, classmates and teachers that her cancer had returned so many helped her with fundraisers, while schools asked her to talk about her illness.