Largest Lava Flow On the Planet Erupted in MichiganLargest Lava Flow On the Planet Erupted in MichiganDiscover Michigan's ancient fiery past and geologic wonders through its billion-year-old lava flows and scenic basalt formations.Scott ClowScott Clow
The Naked Truth: Michigan is Top Spot in World to Skinny DipThe Naked Truth: Michigan is Top Spot in World to Skinny DipA beach in the Upper Peninsula is ranked one of the best in the world for swimming in your birthday suit. Lisa MarieLisa Marie
One of Michigan's Famous Parks Named America's Most BeautifulOne of Michigan's Famous Parks Named America's Most BeautifulKeeping with the theme of offering the "best of everything", Michigan has again proven how amazing it is. One of Michigan's parks has been named 'Most Beautiful.Lisa MarieLisa Marie