Corunna Police Chief Fired After Video of Arrest Goes Viral Corunna Police Chief Fired After Video of Arrest Goes Viral "I love good police, but I won't stand for tyrants."AJAJ
Yesterday's Shooting at Burton Speedway Was Targeted, Not Random Yesterday's Shooting at Burton Speedway Was Targeted, Not Random Police were finally able to process and clear the scene at about 1 AM this morning.AJAJ
Michigan Police Chief Says He Was Fired For Not Meeting Ticket, Tow Quota [VIDEO]Michigan Police Chief Says He Was Fired For Not Meeting Ticket, Tow Quota [VIDEO]Quotas are illegal, but his attorney says that the city is in the pocket of a local towing company.PatPat
Oklahoma Police Chief Rescues a Cat from a Can of Chef Boyardee [VIDEO]Oklahoma Police Chief Rescues a Cat from a Can of Chef Boyardee [VIDEO]Can...can...they get him out? *end of all the bad puns, I promise*PatPat