Michigan Orchard Using Helicopters, Bonfires to Protect CropsMichigan Orchard Using Helicopters, Bonfires to Protect CropsAdd this to the list of "things we didn't know before today." PatPat
Sorry, Michigan – the Polar Vortex Probably Didn’t Kill Most of the Stink BugsSorry, Michigan – the Polar Vortex Probably Didn’t Kill Most of the Stink BugsAn entomologist from Michigan State University is saying that the story, which was widely reported during the cold weather, is not likely to be true. PatPat
Bipolar Vortex Could Give Michigan A 100 Degree Temperature ChangeBipolar Vortex Could Give Michigan A 100 Degree Temperature ChangeThe Polar Vortex brought -50 wind chill temps to Michigan, but we could see a high of 50 by Monday.ClayClay
Grand Blanc Police Offering 'Mom Welfare Checks' Grand Blanc Police Offering 'Mom Welfare Checks' This is the most "real" thing I've seen on Facebook...possibly EVER.AJAJ
Brace Yourself: The Polar Vortex is Coming BackBrace Yourself: The Polar Vortex is Coming BackHere we go again. George McIntyreGeorge McIntyre
Remember the Polar Vortex? It’s Back. Sorta. [VIDEO]Remember the Polar Vortex? It’s Back. Sorta. [VIDEO]Hot and dry, or cool and crisp? What do you prefer? George McIntyreGeorge McIntyre
Polar Vortex Turns Niagra Falls Into A Frozen Wonderland [VIDEO]Polar Vortex Turns Niagra Falls Into A Frozen Wonderland [VIDEO]I've had the pleasure of going to Niagra Falls quite a few times in my life. But I have never seen it look like this.Rod PrahinRod Prahin
Blowing Bubbles That Freeze [VIDEOS]Blowing Bubbles That Freeze [VIDEOS]If you have to deal with a Polar Vortex, you might as well have some fun with it!Jeremy FenechJeremy Fenech