Calls for Davison School Board Member to Resign After ThreatsCalls for Davison School Board Member to Resign After ThreatsHe has denied the allegations, calling them "political games.AJAJ
I Accidentally Called Genesee County 911 from my Apple WatchI Accidentally Called Genesee County 911 from my Apple WatchI didn't know that could happen!AJAJ
Hilarious! A Girl Calls Her Boyfriend To Apologize..When She Cries It Sounds Like A Dog Howling [AUDIO]Hilarious! A Girl Calls Her Boyfriend To Apologize..When She Cries It Sounds Like A Dog Howling [AUDIO]If you haven't heard it, check out the voicemail on YouTube. A girl calls her boyfriend to apologize for missing his phone call. And when she starts crying, it sounds like a dog howling.Rod PrahinRod Prahin