Delta Will No Longer Fly from Flint to Minneapolis After Nov. 26Delta Will No Longer Fly from Flint to Minneapolis After Nov. 26Delta, however, is NOT pulling out of Flint Bishop as an airline - just getting rid of said flight.AJAJ
The Good News: Dog Photobombs His Humans’ Engagement Photos [VIDEO]The Good News: Dog Photobombs His Humans’ Engagement Photos [VIDEO]This dog was NOT about to let his owners steal the show.AJAJ
The Good News: Transgender Waitress has Cute Exchange with a Little Girl [PHOTO]The Good News: Transgender Waitress has Cute Exchange with a Little Girl [PHOTO]When I was in high school, I knew her as "Steve." Yesterday, I found out that Steve is now "Liv." And I love her story.AJAJ
This Guy Wrote his Own Obituary, and it’s GREAT [PHOTO]This Guy Wrote his Own Obituary, and it’s GREAT [PHOTO]Get the tissues ready! You'll laugh AND cry. It's totally worth it.AJAJ
Garth Brooks Reunites with Fan from Minneapolis Show [VIDEO]Garth Brooks Reunites with Fan from Minneapolis Show [VIDEO]As if the original video wasn't beautiful enough, this one will make you cry, too!AJAJ