The roly poly Republican governor of New Jersey has secretly undergone weight-loss surgery. Take a look at his hilarious self-deprecating appearance on The Late Show from earlier this year.
Don't ignore the warning signs. 'The Voice' coach Cee Lo Green spells out the warning signs that you just may be a terrible singer, in a hilarious David Letterman 'Late Show' Top Ten List.
As Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich continue to battle for the Republican nomination, Romney took an opportunity to appear on the "Late Show with David Letterman" and deliver a dry, but witty "Top Ten List."
Hit the jump for the "Top Ten Things Mitt Romney Would Like To Say To The American People."
Texas Governor Rick Perry seems to be taking it all in stride, after the "blunder-ful" performance he gave at the GOP debate held in Michigan Wednesday. Perry turned in a list of "Top-Ten List" excuses for his gaffe, and served it up on the "Late Show with David Letterman."
No excuse, you have to check out the video!
Gaga never ceases to surprise. She made an appearance last night on the "Late Show with David Letterman", and after talking about eating a Barbie head on stage, proceeded add some fiber to her diet, by eating Dave's notes. It's a pretty funny clip, after the break.