You Can’t Name Your Baby These Names In MichiganYou Can’t Name Your Baby These Names In MichiganThere is a lot pressure when it comes to naming your kid. Here are a couple not to name them.Tommy McNeillTommy McNeill
Your Kid’s Lemonade Stand is ILLEGAL In MichiganYour Kid’s Lemonade Stand is ILLEGAL In MichiganLemonade stands are a staple of summertime, with kids around the state hosting their own stands. However, they are technically illegal in Michigan.Tommy McNeillTommy McNeill
Hey Michigan – It’s Illegal To Mail These ItemsHey Michigan – It’s Illegal To Mail These ItemsYou cannot legally mail these six items.Maggie MeadowsMaggie Meadows
10 Crazy Things That Are Actually Illegal In Michigan10 Crazy Things That Are Actually Illegal In MichiganThe more you know.Maggie MeadowsMaggie Meadows
10 Illegal Baby Names In Michigan10 Illegal Baby Names In MichiganIllegal baby names in Michigan.Maggie MeadowsMaggie Meadows
Is it Illegal to Flash Your Headlights at Other Drivers in Michigan?Is it Illegal to Flash Your Headlights at Other Drivers in Michigan?The answer may surprise you.Tony LaBrieTony LaBrie
Canceled Concerts for COVID-19? Stubhub Isn't Giving RefundsCanceled Concerts for COVID-19? Stubhub Isn't Giving RefundsWell, there's ONE company who isn't concerned about bad press right now.PatPat
Online Bullying Will Be Illegal in Michigan Starting in March Online Bullying Will Be Illegal in Michigan Starting in March Can't wait to hear from all the people who think it's acceptable to be a terrible person because "it's just the internet."PatPat
Michigan: It’s ILLEGAL Not To Clear The Snow Off the Roof of Your Car [VIDEO]Michigan: It’s ILLEGAL Not To Clear The Snow Off the Roof of Your Car [VIDEO]Just a friendly reminder, since I had to yell at Pat for the same thing this morning. AJAJ
Migrants Jump Off Boat, Run Ashore During Fashion Video Shoot [VIDEO]Migrants Jump Off Boat, Run Ashore During Fashion Video Shoot [VIDEO]Mark this down as the weirdest, most unexpected thing you'd expect to see during a fashion shoot.PatPat