Carrie Fisher Suffers Heart Attack Carrie Fisher Suffers Heart Attack The actress is in critical condition at an L.A. hospital. AJAJ
WATCH: Woman Is Dragged Off Flight at Detroit Metro [VIDEO]WATCH: Woman Is Dragged Off Flight at Detroit Metro [VIDEO]Honestly, we're surprised that she even got ON the plane in the first place!PatPat
Flight Slides Off Detroit RunwayFlight Slides Off Detroit RunwayCars weren't the only vehicles sliding around in the snow storm yesterday. PatPat
Delta Airlines Bans ‘Loud, Rude’ Trump Supporter for Life, Refunds Passengers [VIDEO]Delta Airlines Bans ‘Loud, Rude’ Trump Supporter for Life, Refunds Passengers [VIDEO]Some NSFW in this video - do you think that Delta did the right thing? AJAJ
Photo of Flight Attendant and Little Girl Goes Viral – The Good News [PHOTO]Photo of Flight Attendant and Little Girl Goes Viral – The Good News [PHOTO]A Southwest flight attendant is receiving online praise for the way he comforted a little girl on a flight to Florida last week.AJAJ
The Good News: Michigan Mom Experiences Random Act of Kindness, Post Goes Viral [PHOTO]The Good News: Michigan Mom Experiences Random Act of Kindness, Post Goes Viral [PHOTO]"Rylee wouldn't stop crying no matter what I would try and she had asked if I didn't mind if she tried and of course I let her. As soon as she had her, Rylee was looking out the window and stopped crying."PatPat
The Good News: Pilot Diverts Flight to Save Freezing Dog [VIDEO]The Good News: Pilot Diverts Flight to Save Freezing Dog [VIDEO]An Air Canada pilot is getting a lot of attention, after diverting a flight to Germany to save a freezing dog in the cargo hold.AJAJ
Screaming Passenger Shares Her Faith On FlightScreaming Passenger Shares Her Faith On FlightAirplanes are supposed to be a "calm" zone. Screaming passengers can really increase the stress.J. PatrickJ. Patrick