...I see you, I feel you and I hear you. Take it from an "old" mom - in ten years, you won't be thinking about how you should've lost all that weight faster.
There is an old joke that the first thing you lose as you get older is your memory. That might in fact be true, but a new study says there are ways to combat that memory loss with one simple step: exercise!
The late night advertisements for fitness products that will change the life of the fat and lazy by making them slim and energetic with a minimal amount of effort, is something we've all seen.
Now, we here tell that there really might be a hope for such a product.
It's everyone's dream, to have a desk job with a corner office. Well it seems your desk may be hurting your memory. What was I talking about again? Oh yea! Desks or something.
Over the past few years I've become a regular at Hurley Health & Fitness Center. I was never really into working out until I saw the additional weight I was putting on as I got older. I changed my habits, but most of America didn't. Now, there is a new study which claims that most American exercise patterns haven't changed much since 2008.
My youngest son is a "Gamer". For those of you who are not aware of the term, it applies to kids who "seriously" play video games. By "seriously" I mean that they spend an inordinate amount of time playing. For some kids it absorbs their life. Others find a way to blend it in with the real world, but still invest a lot of time playing. One of kids newest tools to conv