Pink Donates a Half Million Dollars to Australian Wildfire ReliefPink Donates a Half Million Dollars to Australian Wildfire ReliefAdd this to the list of reasons that we LOVE Pink.AJAJ
OMG! Huge Freeway Sign Falls, Hits Car, And The Driver Lived [VIDEO]OMG! Huge Freeway Sign Falls, Hits Car, And The Driver Lived [VIDEO]Remember the days before everybody had a dashboard camera? Yeah, me neither.AJAJ
Australian Postman Delivers ‘Mail’ to Special Dog – The Good News [PHOTOS]Australian Postman Delivers ‘Mail’ to Special Dog – The Good News [PHOTOS]The pictures are giving us all of the feels.AJAJ
Taylor Swift Visits Children at Australian Hospital – The Good News [VIDEO]Taylor Swift Visits Children at Australian Hospital – The Good News [VIDEO]Love her music or hate her music, you've gotta love her big heart.AJAJ
Australian Man’s Best Friend is a Snake [VIDEO]Australian Man’s Best Friend is a Snake [VIDEO]The snake getting the ice cream might be our favorite part. AJAJ
$600 Million Replica of Titanic Will Set Sail in 2018 [VIDEO]$600 Million Replica of Titanic Will Set Sail in 2018 [VIDEO]If you're a fan of Carnival cruises with water slides and rock climbing walls, this may not be the cruise for you. PatPat
Australian Family Finds Gigantic Spider in Bagged Salad [VIDEO]Australian Family Finds Gigantic Spider in Bagged Salad [VIDEO]No. Nope. Nope. No way. AJAJ
Man Skypes With Parents While Skydiving, Hilarity Ensues [VIDEO NSFW]Man Skypes With Parents While Skydiving, Hilarity Ensues [VIDEO NSFW]They're Irish. We can't expect them to not swear, right? PatPat
Fisherman Helps A Whale Covered in Plastic Bags [VIDEO]Fisherman Helps A Whale Covered in Plastic Bags [VIDEO]Faith in humanity: restored!PatPat
Ever Heard of a ‘Mob’ of Kangaroos? It’s Pretty Freaking Scary [VIDEO]Ever Heard of a ‘Mob’ of Kangaroos? It’s Pretty Freaking Scary [VIDEO]This is like something from a horror movie!AJAJ
Couple Did a Newborn Photo Shoot With Their Dog [VIDEO]Couple Did a Newborn Photo Shoot With Their Dog [VIDEO]Well, that's one way to shut down the in-laws from asking about grandchildren!AJAJ
Johnny Depp Visits Australian Hospital as Captain Jack Sparrow [VIDEO]Johnny Depp Visits Australian Hospital as Captain Jack Sparrow [VIDEO]He took a break from filming Pirates of Caribbean 5: Dead Men Tell No Tales to visit children in a Brisbane hospital.AJAJ