How to Watch Longest Partial Lunar Eclipse of Century in MichiganHow to Watch Longest Partial Lunar Eclipse of Century in MichiganNovember will see a partial lunar eclipse in the skies above, and not just any lunar eclipse, but the longest of the century.Lisa MarieLisa Marie
Asteroid the Size of Empire State Building to Zoom Past EarthAsteroid the Size of Empire State Building to Zoom Past EarthCurrently NASA is watching an asteroid that could be as large as the Empire State Building.Lisa MarieLisa Marie
Your Zodiac Sign May Have Changed, but it’s Not NASA’s FaultYour Zodiac Sign May Have Changed, but it’s Not NASA’s FaultBecause NASA studies astronomy, not astrology. And they wanted to remind us of thaPatPat
Don’t Look At The Sun! Solar Eclipse TonightDon’t Look At The Sun! Solar Eclipse TonightThis afternoon, get ready for a solar eclipse, as the sun sets! How cool is that?Jeremy FenechJeremy Fenech
Lunar Eclipse Wednesday AMLunar Eclipse Wednesday AMStart tomorrow morning with a celestial treat between 5:15 and 7:45. Jeremy FenechJeremy Fenech