LOCAL SPOTLIGHT: Autism Support & Resource Center 5K Run/WalkLOCAL SPOTLIGHT: Autism Support & Resource Center 5K Run/WalkWe'll answer this question first and foremost: YES, THERE ARE FINISHER MEDALS!PatPat
LOCAL SPOTLIGHT: Ally Challenge and the Autism Support & Resource CenterLOCAL SPOTLIGHT: Ally Challenge and the Autism Support & Resource CenterCome out and see the ASRC at the Ally Challenge next week and help them raise money for their new parking lot!PatPat
Life Skills Center for Teens with ASD Opens in Burton – The Good News [VIDEO]Life Skills Center for Teens with ASD Opens in Burton – The Good News [VIDEO]It's in conjunction with the Autism Support and Resource Center (ASRC).AJAJ
Strive Center for AutismStrive Center for AutismIt's the first and only of its kind in our area.PatPat
Autism Golf Outing Raises $38KAutism Golf Outing Raises $38KThe second annual event raised over $39,000 for local kids and families dealing with autism.AJAJ
10th Annual Autism Walk10th Annual Autism WalkEven the questionable weather couldn't keep hundreds of people away from raising money for a great cause!AJAJ
Kids Give Back to Community During ‘Mission Makeover Week’ [VIDEO]Kids Give Back to Community During ‘Mission Makeover Week’ [VIDEO]One of the groups is working on the playground at the Autism Support and Resource Center!AJAJ
The Sensory Room at the Autism Support and Resource Center [VIDEO]The Sensory Room at the Autism Support and Resource Center [VIDEO]Please consider joining the "Driving Fore Autism" golf outing on Saturday, June 20th to help support the ASRC!AJAJ
ASRC Teen NightASRC Teen NightGot to spend Friday evening at the ASRC for their teen social night!AJAJ