
The 80s Are Back!
The 80s Are Back!
The 80s Are Back!
From a couple of working Ataris and Nintendos wired and ready to play on old school TVs, to an actual DMC DeLorean, if you grew up in the 1980s, chances are you owned something on display.
Kwame Kilpatrick Dances To The 80s [VIDEO]
Kwame Kilpatrick Dances To The 80s [VIDEO]
Kwame Kilpatrick Dances To The 80s [VIDEO]
After being involved in a five-month trial over his alleged corruption while in office, former Detroit mayor Kwame Kilpatrick has been stuck with a soiled reputation. Now there are allegations that Detroiters were brainwashed to hate him. There is even a video game that bears his name. So how does someone with such a negative image decompress? He dances to the 80s!
Jane Fonda Workout Videos Celebrating 30 Years [VIDEO]
Jane Fonda Workout Videos Celebrating 30 Years [VIDEO]
Jane Fonda Workout Videos Celebrating 30 Years [VIDEO]
I have never watched a Jane Fonda workout video, but growing up in the 80s, you couldn't get away from the commercials.  They were everywhere! Today marks the 30-year anniversary of the fitness flicks, complete with spandex and legwarmers.  Long before Suzanne Somers' Thighmaster, there was Jane Fonda's Workout!  Take a walk (or fast-paced jog) down memory lane, and pull out your VHS player after
Who You Gonna Call – Movie Trivia
Who You Gonna Call – Movie Trivia
Who You Gonna Call – Movie Trivia
This mid-80s classic features the hilarious combination of acting legends Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Rick Morranis, Harold Ramis, and many more!  Haven't got the answer to this one?  "Bust" it after the jump!
10 Crime Shows From the ’80s That Need a Reboot
10 Crime Shows From the ’80s That Need a Reboot
10 Crime Shows From the ’80s That Need a Reboot
CBS Love 'em or hate 'em, reboots are all the rage in Hollywood — both on the big screen, where you can't go a week without a new version of 'Footloose' or 'The Thing,' and on the TV, where '90210' is back and 'Charlie's Angels' briefly took flight again this fall. Recognizing a trend when they see it, the folks at N ... Read More ...