If you need a barber and a night out, Kris Kress of Grand Blanc has you covered.

Kress is in three awesome bands and works at The Dapper Barber Company in Davison. Full disclosure, Kris is one of my best friends. He is an extremely hard worker and one hell of a musician.

Kris was kind enough to carve some time out of his busy schedule and answer some questions. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Kriss Kress.

For those who don't know you, how long have you lived in Grand Blanc?

I have lived in Grand Blanc for about 6 years now.

How long have you played guitar?

I started playing when I was 8 years old! The first song I ever learned how to play was 'Cat Scratch Fever' by Ted Nugent, and that was about 25 years ago.

What bands are you currently in?

I’m currently involved in three major projects. Two are original, including 'Riding with Killers', where I play bass. Our sound combines elements reminiscent of Slipknot and Korn.

The second is for a country artist for whom I play guitar. His name is Rob Stone.

I also play guitar in the third project, Dr. Delorean and the Space Invaders, an 80s pop/new wave party band.

Can you give us some background on how you got involved with these bands?

I was in a band called Avalon Black, and when the band broke up, I was looking to jam with some people.

Jed (the drummer for Avalon, RWK, and Rob Stone) and I are a package deal. Jed and I got together with Taylor Roberts (guitarist in Taproot) to jam and have fun. One thing led to another and a gig came up. A bass player was needed, so I offered to step in. The rest, as they say, is history

Rob Stone is a country solo artist I play guitar for. Jed and I started in the band around the same time. Rob was looking for a full band since all of his shows up to that point have been solo acoustic gigs, and our names were circling in the Detroit circuit. Our buddy Yorg Kerasiotis set that up for us.

Dr. Delorean and the Space Invaders is a fun project that started after I parted ways with Ironsnake. Dusty Brill (also known as Dr. Dee Dee Sleeze) asked me if I wanted to join an '80s pop/new wave party band, and of course, I said yes! At this point, we're Ironsnake's mad scientist cousins. It's an entertaining show. Be sure to catch us on December 14th at The Machine Shop for our super sexy Christmas special!

The Machine Shop

How long have you been doing hair?

I have been doing hair for about two and a half years now - one year in school and about a year and a half professionally.

How long have you worked at The Dapper Barber Company in Davison?

My year and a half of professional experience has been at The Dapper Barber Company. A shout out to Zach Frey and Eric Cagle for taking a chance on me straight out of barber school, and for being great teachers!

How do you balance a day job and playing shows?

It is difficult. Luckily, my day job has some flexibility because I can make my schedule and plan. The best way to balance my busy schedule is live for my days off! If I’m not working or gigging I’m at home decompressing from everything.

How many shows do you play a week? I am sure it varies.

That’s a tough one because it varies some weeks it can be zero, and sometimes it can be 4 or 5 plus rehearsals.

What do you love most about playing at The Machine Shop?

I love everything about The Machine Shop! If I had to choose one aspect, it would be the welcoming atmosphere where everyone is treated like family from the beginning. Kevin, Johanna, Jon, Tanner, and many others have made a lasting impact on me. I’m truly grateful for the support and camaraderie I've experienced there over the years!

Where do you see yourself in 5 to 10 years?

Every musician dreams of becoming a multi-platinum-selling artist. However, the state of the music industry has changed so much that this goal often feels out of reach for most.

Despite this, every musician must keep pushing forward. Until that day comes, my primary goal is to pay my bills and support my family while doing what I love. Fortunately, I’m already achieving that!

I love both of my jobs and I would be content to continue doing this for the next 5 to 10 years.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Thank you, Maggie, for writing this article and considering me interesting! I also appreciate everyone else at the Banana for their support!

Thank you, Kris, you rock!

Grand Blanc Man Is A Rock Star And Barber

Kid Rock At The Machine Shop 2011

Gallery Credit: Jeff Mintline Minty Pics

Celebrating 22 Years Of The Machine Shop - Fan Photos Gallery 2

Gallery Credit: Banana 101.5


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