As much as I enjoy grocery shopping, I loathe all other types of commerce, especially returning items to the store. Nobody is in a pleasant mood waiting in line at customer service, particularly at a Michigan Walmart. With this in mind, you may be surprised to find out that the retail giant has a very strict no-return policy on several items, many of which you may have purchased recently.

Related: Short Shoppers Have Big Complaint About Michigan Walmart's Carts

While many of the items on the list make sense, especially since they could be covered in bodily fluids or something equally as off-putting, others take some consideration to find the logic behind Michigan Walmart's return policies.

10 Items You Surprisingly Can't Return To Michigan Walmart Stores

10 Items You Surprisingly Can't Return to Michigan Walmart Stores

We've all, at some point or another, been behind a fellow shopper who is baffled by a store policy while waiting in line at the customer service counter. Oftentimes, the exchange gets heated, and while you can identify with the complaint, the frustration is unwarranted as the Walmart employee has no control over the consumer giant's policy.

I've always found that if you speak to these clerks with the same respect you'd expect to be treated with were the situation reversed, you'll be much happier with the results.

10 Items You Surprisingly Can't Return to Michigan Walmart Stores

As consumers, we are responsible for knowing the terms of purchase. It may not be easy to understand all of them, but it's our responsibility nonetheless.

Related: Walmart Plans Major Pricing Policy Change for Michigan Stores

With that in mind, let's examine Michigan Walmart store's return policies and 10 items they won't accept.

10 Items You Can't Return to Michigan Walmart Stores

Ready to pull the trigger on that major purchase at a Michigan Walmart? STOP! There are some items that Walmart won't accept on return, even with a receipt. Buyer beware, as we look at 10 Items You Can't Return to Michigan Walmart Stores.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow