WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

Sitting abandoned with some of the mini-train cars, track, and buildings, is the Junction Valley Railroad, at 7065 Dixie Highway, southeast of Bridgeport.

This family amusement area was operating for twenty-plus years and finally called it quits in the mid 2010s.

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The entire park was owned and operated by the Stenger family who built everything: the train cars, four miles of tracks, buildings, playgrounds, hobby shop, roundhouse, tunnel, trestle bridge, picnic area...literally everything.

The railroad had 70 cars to accommodate passengers, with nine engines to haul ‘em around. Their annual Halloween rides were possibly their most popular.

The railroad was the first to go, thanks to declining sales. Sometime later in 2017, they shut down the hobby shop for the same reason.

Now it sits deteriorating, alongside the highway.

You can get a good look at how it used to look and how it looks now by looking thru the photo gallery below!

Abandoned Junction Valley Railroad


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