WARNING: Under no circumstances should you enter this property. By doing so you risk bodily harm and/or prosecution for trespassing on private property.

This place reminds me of the house in the original 1970s version of the movie “The Texas Chainsaw Massacre”.....sitting out in the country, surrounded by yellow fields, and a good distance away from other country homes in the area.

A few years ago we showed photos of a hoarder house somewhere up north.....this one is a completely different one.

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This particular house seems to be set somewhere in the Michigan countryside, at an unknown location – probably a smart move by the videographer, to keep trespassers out. Grass and weeds are growing out of the concrete, there are a few discarded barbecue grills, tires, outdoor furniture, a rotted deck, and numerous other pieces of junk, in, around, and even under the house.

The garage / pole barn / or whatever the heck it is, is even worse with more debris and junk scattered all around the outside.

Fortunately for them, they protected themselves legally by not breaking & entering. Unfortunately for us, we don’t know what’s inside the house OR barn...but there is enough stuff all around the outside of this ‘Texas Chainsaw Massacre’ house to satisfy the most avid hoarder fan. See for yourself in the gallery below.

Hoarder House in Northern Michigan #2


Abandoned Hoarder House #1

Deserted Stone Farmhouse, Somewhere Near Cadillac

Abandoned Clairwood Apartment Building, Detroit

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