Drive-Thrus makes our lives much more convenient as we can pick up food or other products/services without having to get out of our vehicles. I can only imagine a time when you would have to get out of your car every time you wanted to get cash, wash your car, get food, and other things because I've been blessed with drive-thrus my entire life. Although drive-thrus make things easier they have their cons just like anything else in the world.

Depending on what time you decide to get food or use some of these other services you may experience large queue volumes. It's almost impossible to avoid the crowd during the lunch or dinner rush and depending on what restaurant or service, the late-night crowds are even worse. The number of people working and the amount of people in the drive-thru can create a longer experience, but none of them are longer than this business which has 30 locations in Michigan.

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There is one drive-thru that is considered to be slower than the rest and believe it or not, the restaurant listed wouldn't be the first one to come to mind. According to a study done by the Quick Service Restaurant Magazine, Chick-fil-A was found to be the slowest drive-thru in America, with an average wait time of 325 seconds or 5 1/2 minutes.

Now, what sucks about this for Chick-Fil-A is that they do an amazing job of moving their enormous lines through the drive-thru and on with their day. When you take a look at the amount of time spent in the drive-thru per car, Chick-fil-A lands at the top of the list with just under 108 seconds per vehicle, but they have so many vehicles that the numbers begin to inflate.

Michigan is lucky enough to have 30 Chick-fil-A locations across the state and there are 6 locations across Southwest Michigan. This is not to say that Chick-fil-A has the slowest drive-thru so you should avoid their restaurants but instead just be cautious of the line sometimes due to many different factors.

How To Make Your Own Chick-Fil-A Sauce

There is a shortage of Chick-Fil-A sauce so a simple solution is to make your own. It is only 6 ingredients and you will be able to dunk your nugs all you want.

Gallery Credit: Dave Fields

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