A bride-to-be whose name hasn't been revealed emailed out a lengthy missive to her ten potential bridesmaids, telling them exactly what would be required of them if they accepted her invitation to be in her wedding party. The demands were so outrageous, causing it to go viral.
Taco Bell Doritos Locos Tacos Cause High School Lockdown
If you spend a lot of time with high school students you should be pretty well acquainted with Taco Bell.
Which is why it's surprising that the delicious fast food was able to cause so much confusion at Del Campo High School in Sacramento, California.
That Facebook Legal Settlement Email You Got Is For Real
Over the last week, about 125 million Facebook users in America received an email concerning a legal settlement of a class action suit against the social networking site.
See the Cast of ‘Fast Times at Ridgemont High’ Then and Now
When Cameron Crowe was a young writer at Rolling Stone magazine he went undercover for a year at a high school in San Diego, an experience that became a book called 'Fast Times at Ridgemont High.' Crowe then adopted his tale into a screenplay, and thus was born the Amy Heckerling-directed movie 'Fast Times at Ridgemont High.'
On the Friday before Christmas, Ruby Modlin was grocery shopping at Walmart with her family.
The Altoona, Iowa woman noticed that a man was following her around the store. Being a glass-half-filled type of gal Modlin figured it must be somebody who recognized her -- maybe from high school.
Lost, Blind Dog Finds Way Back To Family In Time For Christmas
When Abby, an eight-year-old mixed breed dog that belonged to the Grapengeter family of Fairbanks, Alaska went missing on December 13th there wasn't much hope for a happy reunion.
‘Wheel Of Fortune’ Contestant Mispronounces Answer, Loses Thousands
Like many Southerners, Renee Durette drops the "G" at the end of a word when she speaks. Her accent became a big issue during a recent episode of 'Wheel of Fortune,' costing the Navy Intel Specialist from Merritt Island, Fla $3,850 thanks to a controversial judge's ruling.
Last year the 56,000 light Christmas display which adorned Jan Stewart's Fountain Valley, California home went viral, with a YouTube video of the lights in action garnering close to 500,000 views.
Meet Mary Christmas, the Woman With Year-Round Yuletide Spirit
When he's not hating on Christmas, apparently The Grinch plays traffic cop.
That's what's been happening in the Florida Keys, where Monroe County Sheriff’s Office Bureau Chief Lou Caputo has been dressing up as the Dr. Seuss character as he operates a speed trap.
Boy Sits On Santa’s Lap, Realizes 13 Years Later It’s His Father-In-Law
When Chris Burd was 13-years-old he went to the mall in Maplewood, Minn during Christmas time. He was with his three-year-old sister, and to appease her he also sat on the lap of the mall's Santa Claus and asked for gifts.
Fast forward 13 years. Chris had recently become engaged when he got a call from his mother who tells him she had made an interesting discovery while going through a batch of ol
Russian Kids Find Lion Cub, Naturally Bring It to School
Here in the United States, a kid might spot a turtle during their walk to school. And if he or she is the curious sort, they might pick it up and bring it in for show-and-tell.
Things are little different in Russia, where apparently lions roam free. School children in a Southern Russian village ran into one of these beasts -- a cub -- and brought the furball in to their teacher.